- Color: Lavender
- Flower Type: Lavender Roses
- Box Color: White
- Quantity: 100 Roses, 72 Roses, 60 Roses, 50 Roses
- Material: Box Bouquet
Experience the irresistible appeal of our 60 Lavender Roses In A White Box, a floral masterpiece that conveys grace and class. Lavender roses, noted for their beautiful beauty and mysterious appeal, are presented gracefully in a flawless white flower box arrangement. Lavender flowers and a white box make a stunning contrast that exudes purity and elegance. This bouquet is a symbol of eternal beauty and deep feelings, whether you’re remembering a particular event, expressing congratulations, or delivering get-well wishes. Elevate your moments with lavender roses’ traditional charm and leave a lasting impression of beauty and grace. Explore our online flower shop for a wide selection of stunning flower arrangements ideal for a variety of events.