Huge Love Bouquet 200 Red Roses

AED 1,899.00 AED 949.50

The showstopper of a bouquet – 150 stunning red roses beautifully hand-tied and delivered to your loved one.
Beautiful floral arrangement that includes ribbon and card

Artistically hand-made floral arrangement created by our expert florists, always selecting the most beautiful fresh cut flowers.

Perfect for love and anniversary occasions!

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  • 100% Freshness Guaranteed.
  • Order before 8:00 PM for same day dispatch.
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  • Color: Red
  • Flower Type: Roses
  • Quantity: 200 Roses
  • Material: Beautifully Wrapped with Ribbon and Card


The Huge Love Bouquet – 200 Red Roses, the ultimate expression of passion and devotion, is presented. This gorgeous bouquet, classified as Rose and Rose Bouquet, is the height of glory and devotion. It is a genuine showpiece, with 200 gorgeous red roses hand-tied with precision and delivered with care. This lovely flower arrangement comes with a ribbon and card, which adds a personal touch to your meaningful message. This bouquet, created by our skilled florists, has the freshest and most magnificent roses, making it the ideal option for love and anniversary events. When you want to express your love on an immense level, this bouquet is the ultimate expression of passion, certain to make an impact.