- Color: Lavender
- Flower Type: Lavender Roses
- Quantity: 24 Roses
- Material: Flower Bouquet
With our 24 Lavender Roses In A Vase, you may elevate the art of presenting with an everlasting expression of love and appreciation expertly categorized under many events, from anniversaries to weddings and more. This magnificent bouquet includes 24 lovely lavender roses that have been delicately handpicked for their beauty and charm. It originates elegance and beauty when placed in a classic vase.
Lavender flowers represent love at first sight, enchantment, and love that strengthens with time. This bouquet is a genuine gift that will bring joy and excitement to your loved one’s heart, whether you’re celebrating a significant milestone or expressing your deepest emotions. It’s a true feat of floral brilliance that will make any event unforgettable.